Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yahoo Site Explorer Substitute: Quick Backlinks | Simple SEO

Link Research Tools

Just recently, I’ve been contacted by a handful of SEO tool developers asking for reviews for their new Link Management and Backlink Checking tools. This sudden surge of tools are mostly a result of the shutdown of Yahoo Site Explorer. It’s the perfect time to launch tools that can catch the market that Yahoo Site Explorer has just let go. Quick backlinks tool or QBL by Link Research Tools, is one of these such tools.

I was emailed by Christoph Cemper telling me of QBL’s hot launch just this December 5. He was excited about it and gave me a Quick Account (You can have one too by typing in the coupon code DF0AB20C3F as you sign up).

So I took a look around, and to make the long story short,  I really liked what I saw. The data was very polished and it was updated, fresh, and accurate-to-the-minute. I was impressed. I’ve yet to see a tool this accurate when it comes to checking out backlinks. It’s also much, much faster than other backlink checking tool I’ve stumbled upon in search of other Yahoo Site Explorer alternatives.

The Idea behind Quick Backlinks (QBL)

Instead of reporting only 100% validated and up to the minute accurate data as the other reports in Link Research Tools do, the philosophy for QBL is different

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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