Monday, December 12, 2011

Mejii Voltage Protector with Timer

Voltage Protector with TimerHey Everyone! We have heard your requests, we know your needs…

Introducing the latest product of Meiji Electric! We bring you a new addition to the Voltage Protector line! Now with a built-in programmable timer. If you still don’t know what a Voltage Protector is, Why you should have one in your home and How it will be useful in traveling, just click away and let us show you what you’re missing!

Our new  addition Voltage Protector with Timer, aka  TC-V002,   workable at 220V has a 20 ampere load capacity, equivalent to almost 4,400 Watts! So no worries for your high wattage appliance such as air conditioning units, TV, computers and more!

Voltage Protector with Timer BackWhat’s great about it is that it has 8 programmable timer setting options both for turn on and turn off use! Not only that, it also has varied day preferences: whether you want the timer to work  daily, weekly, monthly, only on weekdays, only on weeknights, on alternating days, just set it and it’s done! So for all you busy people out there, how great is that? One less task in your life!

Meiji Voltage Protector with Timer also  has a universal outlet in front and a a parallel plug with ground at its back, suitable for your needs. It also comes with a manual once you buy a unit so don’t fret on how it is to be set.

Have a practical and hassle-free time whether at home or during your travel. Try out the new Meiji Voltage Protector with Timer NOW!

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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