Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lean and Fab Ingredient: Citrin | Lean and Fab

Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do – everyone does right? But do you need to starve yourself in order to lose weight? Of course not that’s another silly question. Losing weight will make you feel hungry from time to time but it doesn’t mean that you should completely deprive yourself of food. Let’s take a look at one of the Lean and Fab ingredients – Citrin.

garcinia cambogia CitrinYou have to train your mind and body to have self-control when it comes to eating. If you can convince your own body that it is “full,” then say goodbye to those midnight snacks and hello to a successful weight loss plan.

The key here is – appetite regulation. That’s up to the brain to decide but you can help condition it. Studies show that there are certain compounds that can aid in suppressing one’s appetite. One of which is called citrin.

 Citrin is a trademarked name from Sabinsa. It is an herbal extract from the rind of the garcinia cambogia (also known as Indian berry) plant. These fruits grow in selected regions of southern India. This is where hydroxycitric acid comes from. This is the compound responsible for reducing food intake.

When our body consumes food, it breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. The liver is responsible for checking whether the blood has sufficient glucose. Any excess glucose breaks down into fat or cholesterol.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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