Friday, December 2, 2011

SEO Philippines


SEO in the Philippines is now a REALLY BOOMING industry. Just two years ago I had no idea about SEO or what it’s about. SEO here in the Philippines wasn’t all that popular then. I don’t know if I’m just more involved in the SEO industry now that I find and meet a lot of other Filipinos who are practicing SEO and servicing clients around the world.

Just look at Facebook

Filipino SEOs in Facebook

I’m currently running a Facebook ad and you’ll be surprised to know that there are almost 50,000 Filipinos who are into SEO. It’s a huge amount. I haven’t really checked how many people are interested in SEO two years before, but I’m assuming that the growth is exponential.

SEO Philippines Demographics

Most of the SEOs in the Philippines are also young. A bulk of ‘em ages from 18-24 years old. Which indicates that SEO in the Philippines is a rising trend among the upcoming generation. I think that the Philippines can be a hub of SEO practitioners and internet marketers in the soon coming years.

Internet Savy and English Mastery

I think that the Philippines is one of the best countries that has grasped the English language both in oral and written form. I also think that a lot of Filipinos are internet savvy (Facebook savvy?) and those two attributes strongly qualifies us to have good reason and interest in web traffic generation. A lot of Filipinos are also outspoken and have their own blogs – which also needs traffic.

A lot of Filipinos also love to work at home (including me) due to various reasons – most of which is family time and financial efficiency. Of course when you work from home, you save money from travelling to your office and you also save money from buying food outside.

SEO is also one of the most in-demand jobs in the internet to date. And it has created a lot of job opportunities for Filipinos who are looking for employment but don’t want to be ‘just another’ employee. They want to feel more special – an employee of their own perhaps? Handling clients makes you feel more significant than just working an 8-hour day job in an office desk.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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