Friday, December 30, 2011

3 Things you Need to do with Bitterness

Ever had a time in your life when you got so offended that you were cringing with hateful emotions? Perhaps someone shamed you in public or a younger sibling disrespected you in front of friends with whom you hold good reputation? Or perhaps you are denied something – a material thing that you really wanted, or a relationship you were trying so hard to pursue. Unexpected things in life can trigger anger which can lead to hate – which can lead to bitterness.

Bitter heart“See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” - Hebrews 12:15

The Danger of Bitterness

Almost all murders that have happened in our world today is a result of unchecked anger which planted seeds of bitterness. This bitterness then grew its roots and tightly grasped into its host’s heart and soul – sucking out any good that the host could have done in its relationships with other people.

“Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.” - 1 John 3:15

The root of a plant is something that is usually unseen. It is below the surface of the ground it is on. The root is an anchor for the plant – it enables the plant to take shape and grow. Bitterness has been attributed to a root. It goes deeper and deeper into your heart and emotions. And the more you try to weed it out, the harder it is and the more painful.

The plant will grow thorns in your heart – whenever people try to get closer to you, your bitterness will wound them.

Bitterness is a parasite that rots your heart – but the worst part is, it eats up other relationships too.

Bitterness needs two things to grow:

  • A hurting host
  • Time

Results of Bitterness

When you let bitterness grow and establish its roots in you, the plant that results can vary – from murder, slander, gossip, hatred, anger, impatience, divorce, irateness, death, sadness, sickness, depression, etc… Whatever the resulting plant is, it will consequently affect other relationships.

You don’t know it, but bitterness is an act of holding on to a hurt and anger until it has a hold on you. No one wants anything to have a hold on them intentionally – but you won’t recognize that it’s exactly what bitterness is already doing to you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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