Friday, December 16, 2011

What to do When you Feel Tired and Burned Out

Have you ever felt like you’re really tired – but you’re not? Your body can still take it, but your emotions feel like it doesn’t want to go on. It’s as if you don’t understand yourself. You need to do something to be happy, and yet you don’t feel like doing it? This usually happens when you’ve burned yourself out. And you know, I’ve been there too.

Emotionally TiredThis entry has been inspired by my discipler, Aumar Aguilar – during the time when I felt down and out and I needed help. To you I give my sincere thanks.

There was a week in my life when I was going here and there, doing a lot of things for a lot of people and for my own. I felt exhausted. I also felt weird coz physically, I didn’t feel exhausted. But there was something in me that was excruciatingly tired. What is it?

Deeper Exhaustion

Being tired goes further than physical. I realized that you feel most tired when your emotional tank is running empty in all aspects. Take note, I didn’t say EMPTY – I said RUNNING EMPTY. When your car is empty, it’s alright. Just go stop using it and put some gas to make it work again. BUT when your car is RUNNING EMPTY, not very soon, it will incur some serious damage.

Running an empty emotional tank with work, relationships, and your spiritual walk with God is one of the worst things that can happen to you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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