Sunday, December 4, 2011

SEO Philippines: Google Freshness Algorithm Experiment

SEO Hacker Labs

Okay so I posted an entry last night (14 hours ago) about SEO Philippines. The post was entitled ‘SEO Philippines’ and had a good number of ‘SEO Philippines’ keyphrase inside the body of the content. I did this mainly for three reasons:

  1. I was experimenting on how high I can rank for the term SEO Philippines
  2. I wanted to contribute to the Philippine SEO Community
  3. I wanted to let my readers know about great Filipino SEO specialists out there

Of course, I wasn’t targeting to rank for the term SEO Philippines in – I was targeting to rank on as a playing field. I wanted to see how far I was gonna get with the keyphrase SEO Philippines – knowing that there was quite a competition for the term. It’s not really a keyphrase that attracts a lot of searches, but I was trying to experiment on it due to the fact that some of the websites that are ranking on first page have already been there for a while – and I wanted to check out how big of a factor the new ‘Freshness Algorithm’ is.

Turns out the new Freshness Algorithm is a winner. I got to first page (9th place) within 14 hours of publishing my entry. And I’m hoping it goes up some more before 24 hours has elapsed.

SEO Philippines SERP

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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