Thursday, December 8, 2011

Link Management Tool: Cognitive SEO

Cognitive SEO Logo

Recently, I had  the opportunity of being invited by Cognitive SEO to review their link management tool. It’s in beta phase and I assumed that it would function somewhat like Raventools. Cognitive SEO tells me that their SEO toolkit is unique and a new development in the area of link management. Let’s take a closer look:

The tool has 5 main parts:

  • Dashboard
  • InBound Link Analysis
  • Link Management
  • Rank Tracking
  • To-dos

At the dashboard section of the tool, you can chose which campaign you’d like to check out. Right now I only have 2 campaigns to choose from. And for the purpose of this review, I picked out ‘Search Engine News‘.

Cognitive SEO

As we look into the InBound Analysis section, we can immediately see the summary of your links. It tells you the number of:

  • Analyzed Links
  • Live Links
  • Lost Links
  • Redirect Links
  • Supplemental Links
  • Unique Referring Domains
  • Unique Referring IP Addresses
  • Text Links
  • Image Links
  • Nofollow Links
  • Sitewide Links
  • Abused Linking Pages

As you can see, the SEO Hacker data for this link summary seems a bit odd. There are too many links. I have no idea how they find links and categorize ‘em as supplemental or coming from abused linking pages.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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