Friday, March 25, 2011

Why you need to fill your Emotional Tanks | God and you

Believe it or not, we are emotional beings. We laugh, we cry, we get angry, we love, we hate, we get scared – we feel. Emotions are a very powerful force of will in us human beings. And as chances may have it, we have something we call Emotional Tanks - which we need to keep a keen eye on.

SmileThis entry has been inspired by the book Fit to Be Tied by Bill and Lynne Hybels and my talk last night with my wonderful girlfriend.

Running on Emotional Fuel

Just like how you’ll get in trouble when the fuel of your car runs empty, so is it when your emotional tank runs dry. Unfortunately, unlike how the fuel tank of your car is right in front of your eyes, your emotional tanks are not directly visible. And unlike fuel, you don’t fill up your emotional tanks with diesel or gas – you fill it up with relationships.

Separate spaces

Your emotional tank has separate spaces. There are specific allotments to specific kinds of relationships. For example, I love my girlfriend and I have a specific space just for her. In fact, that space that I allotted for her is big because our relationship is a big part of my life.

In the same way, I have a space allotted for God, family, work, friends, ministry, self-development, etcetera. It is something that you don’t consciously do but it’s there. What you need to be mindful of is how much space you’re giving to the relationships in your life right now.

Are you giving more to your friends than to your family? Are you giving more space to your relationship with the opposite sex than your relationship with God? Knowing which takes up the most space in your emotional tank is critical to you as an emotional being.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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