Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Just Want To Be Alone | God and you

“Today, the world seems to have rotated on a wrong axis. Everything turns out to be wrong!” Have you ever experienced something like this?

Being AloneYou’re late, your boss is calling, you’re in a hurry, and then you remembered you left the important file you’re supposed to present to the team which was why you’re in a hurry in the first place! Or you’re so tired, you lack sleep, you helped out with errands because a parent asked of you, and then forgot to do a requirement for school. To top it off, the professor who never checks assigned homeworks decided to do so and gave an exemption to the final project requirement for those who submitted!


Mad? Irritated? And then you scream, “Leave me alone!” but everyone doesn’t seem to hear it. They still continue on with the things to do tomorrow, long exams and projects. And then again you remembered, you’re in school, you’re at work, you have a reputation to take care of.  If you could relate, I pray this article would bless your heart.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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