Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How does the Google Panda update affect your Linkbuilding? | SEO Marketing | SEO School | Learn SEO Online

Google Panda Algorithm UpdateWell now that we know that the Google Panda update is no joke in the way it has affected high page rank websites and big brands, we need to be more cautious about how it can affect us. The question we need to ask ourselves now is how this new Panda algorithm will affect our linkbuilding.

Links will never be the same

Google’s Panda algorithm has uncovered shady linkbuilding methods such as JCPenney,, Forbes and more. It has also penalized low quality sites as well as spammy/scraper sites in their recent update. What does this mean for SEO specialists and linkbuilders?

Don’t stick to what Google deems as ‘low quality’ sites. Meaning now that they have penalized wisegeek, ezinearticles, mahalo, etcetera – don’t work yourself up anymore in trying to acquire links from those websites. For example, if you were someone who liked to go with article submission through ezinearticles for links back to your site, you have to think twice now that it has significantly dropped in ranking due to its reputation with Google as a low quality site.

Watch out for sites that are peppered with Google adsense, text links, or other advertising gimmicks.They are not really something that neither Google nor people would call ‘quality sites’. Get away from them.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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