Sunday, March 13, 2011

How does Google Panda Update affect Social Media? | SEO in Simple Terms

Panda update social mediaI’ve been talking quite a lot about the Google Panda update recently. I pointed out how it would affect your SEO, Linkbuilding, and what you can do if and when you are unjustly affected. For this entry, I want to point out what effects it has on social media.

Putting all your Eggs in one Big Basket

Some of the websites affected by Google Panda update suddenly realize that they have been relying on Google for traffic too much. Now that they have dropped in rankings, they’re hanging on loose ropes.  They’re trying everything they could to get back in the game.

The reason behind this is that Google can be too good a source for traffic. It just comes naturally when you have searchable content. Unlike when you’re trying to haul in traffic from social media, you have to constantly work for it.

What happened in the Google Panda Update? Now people realize how harsh Google can be. And you can’t blame them – they’re only doing what’s right in improving their search algorithm to serve end-users better.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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