Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Beauty of Being Lost | God and you

Note from Sean: Arnel is a good friend of mine in Church. He loves writing for God and has blessed a lot of people in doing so. I am honored that he has allowed me to share some of his works with you.

Last week I went to a wake with my discipler, his wife, and a friend at church. We didn’t know exactly where the place was, so we just drove out to find it with the few instructions we had. The next thing we knew we were in the middle of what seemed to be a congregation of trucks going towards heaven-knows-where.

Getting LostWe were stuck for while in the sea of sixteen-wheelers, but we managed to inch our way through. I don’t know about them, but at that point I was already clueless as to where we were. A few kilometers more and a few turns lead us to a busy side street.

The road started to look a bit scary as we looked around and see no signs of our destination. One of us jokingly asked, “Are we still in the Philippines?” The place looked like Manila’s version of a ghetto – with guys hanging outside shirtless with bottles on hand and children running around the street as if it was their personal playground, without a care if cars were rushing towards them.

We asked a few bystanders on how to get to where we should be, but to me the instructions were not crystal clear. Finally, my discipler’s wife called up our friend and said, “I think we’re lost.”

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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