Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Increase Post Readability | SEO Marketing | SEO School | Learn SEO Online

It’s normal for bloggers to have varying post lengths. Sometimes we can go for a quick 300-word post (just the specifics) or a lengthy 1,000-word post (really detailed ones). Whatever the post length is, there’s one sure challenge- to make sure that your readers would actually read it from start to finish. Or at least most of it.

In reality, with the large multi-tasking involved in the internet, people rarely have the time to fully focus on a post and read it from the first to the last words. Even if you manage to draw their attention, you’d have to realize that your content will be skimmed just to get to the main essence.

The Goal of Increasing Post Readability

There are two main goals here. The first, and probably the most important, is to retain a reader’s interest in whatever it is you’re writing. And the second is to be able to highlight your key points or message (because that’s the thing you want to be remembered for). It’s also possible that you want a reader to do an action, based on a post (i.e. visit a site/product, click a link etc.) but the bottom line is, for you to be able to invoke a certain action, you must make sure that it’s readable enough in the first place.

And how do we do that? Here are 4 simple tips that shows you how:

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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