Sunday, March 27, 2011

Domain Names are Going Down | SEO in Simple Terms

Domain NamesGoogle has been taking some serious steps in order to improve the quality of their search engine results page. They have released the Google Panda Update which has been a major shift in the search arena – now they’re going to do something about the domain name keywords.

Surprise, surprise…

It’s just a matter of time before the SEO shortcuts get to live off all the fun they’re having. Google will sooner or later find a way to penalize cheat gamers in their SEO stage. In the aspect of domain names, it’s not really a cheat to get a good domain name. But peppering it with your desired keywords doesn’t look too shabby to any internet user, does it?

Let’s be honest

Domain names have been one of the most considerably powerful ways to rank higher in the search engines. No wonder why they get sold for a crazily high price. Acquiring a really good domain name is equivalent of getting your company name in the web.

Domain names can be equated to your brand in the web. Its importance is just too high. For example, my domain name is really important for me because it’s my brand. It’s my signature. It’s also my company name. I will do anything for me to keep it.

Domain gaming for SEO

The point of buying a domain should be primarily for your branding and for attracting people. Unfortunately now, it’s becoming a game for SEO specialists to buy a domain which is peppered with their desired keywords because it is a major factor in ranking for Google

I think even with the update, domain names would still hold good weight because the URLs are taken into account as an entity and as a possible point of reference for the website.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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