Sunday, March 6, 2011

What to do if the Panda update affected your site | SEO Marketing | SEO School | Learn SEO Online

Google PandaAs you well know, Google has recently implemented the Panda ‘farmer’ update in their search algorithm. There have been some serious issues with webmasters who have been ‘unjustly’ affected by this change as they claim that they are not content farmers. What should you do if the update has affected your site as a civilian casualty?

Stray bullets

It happened to Cult of Mac blog. What are the chances that it won’t happen to yours? Just in case, I want to let you know that you can tell Google if you have been unjustly affected by the Panda update. How? You can post in a thread created by Google Webmaster Central wherein you can let Google know that your site was affected by the recent algorithm change.

Why did Google allow this thread? Well, take it from Google’s Michael Wyszomierski as he says:

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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