Wednesday, June 29, 2011

SEO Ranking Factors 2011 in Periodic Table Form | SEO in Simple Terms

SEO Ranking Factors 2011

If you don’t already know, Search Engine Land has published their own version of SEO Ranking Factors of 2011 in periodic table form. It’s pretty interesting and is quite different from SEOmoz’s Search Engine Factors of 2011 in terms of design and detail.

Just so you know, this periodic table is meant to be general. It was purposed for SEOs in general to see the big picture about the current ranking factors as of today. Not all SEOs appreciate to be very detailed and specific with their work. Some SEOs just like to do what needs to be done and see what happens.

So without further ado, here it is:

SEO Ranking Factors 2011 Periodic TableClick the Picture to Enlarge

It’s not so hard to understand, really. As you could read the complete infographic on the sides and below. It’s a really good compilation and I should say a mighty well job to Search Engine Land!

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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