Sunday, June 5, 2011

Being Careful about the Bible | God and you

In an email conversation I sent some of my friends at church the devotions I read in the morning. One of them replied, “Hindi ka ba nahihilo sa dami ng devos na binabasa mo?”

Thinkin StatueAuthor’s note: This was inspired by a conversation over at Starbucks.

She has a point. But I think more than that, I realized just how dangerous this habit can be. More often than not we tend to replace the bible with devotions. We can argue that these devotions were also derived from scripture, but that’s the problem – they’re derivatives of the scripture, but we tend to take them as if they are.

Recently I’ve had this conversation with a couple of friends regarding emerging/post modern churches. One of my friends mentioned that there was this one pastor that wrote a book with a claim that hell is empty because Christ has already paid for everyone’s sins and hence everyone goes to heaven. It apparently caused a stir in the states. This friend goes on by saying that John McArthur points out several pastors (some of them I subscribe to) with whom he has a problem regarding what they preach.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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