Sunday, June 12, 2011

Internal Linking SEO | SEO in Simple Terms

Internal LinkingInternal linking is all about getting your webpages interconnected with each other. The world wide web is made up of links – you navigate from webpage to webpage through links. You recommend another webpage through links. But internal linking is more than just about navigation and recommendation.

More than just directions

Internal linking (or interlinking as I’d like to call it for short) is one method that SEO specialists use to distribute good, relevant Pagerank to each webpage that are related to each other’s content. Interlinking your webpages inside your website does not only help people find relevant content in the webpage they are reading, it also helps search engine spiders have an easier time crawling your website and seeing the relevance with each page.

Take this for example: You go to a comic store which has lots of other branches. You’re looking for the Ultimate Spiderman series – but they told you that they only have volume 1 in this store and the other volumes are in the other stores which you have to find out for yourself. Ain’t that a bummer? Why do you have to go to all the other stores just to find the other volumes when they own all of those volumes anyway? And why can’t they direct you to the other stores instead of you having to look for it yourself?

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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