Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to know if you are Proud | God and you

Everyone has his or her own set of ideals that he or she lives by. Each one of us has our own reservations that we opt not to have others stepped on. We all understand the need to respect boundaries of others (or so we believe as taught by our parents/guardians). But what we fail to understand is that many times we’re living on these ideals and ‘standards’ too much that we tag or judge others immediately just because he/she reacts, talks, walks, dresses differently (weirdly) compared to us.

Measuring PrideNo? Oh come on! Remember your first days in college when you were hanging out with high school friends telling each other about your block mates? How did you call the one with the afro hairstyle? Or the seatmate who wore neon colored shorts during PE?

This article is a self-check; an examination of self with the help of a short passage in the Bible when Jesus was telling His followers to beware of certain attitudes in Matthew 23:1-7.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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