Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Schema Affects SEO | SEO in Simple Terms

SchemaSchema is the new way of Google, Yahoo and Bing to sort the whole internet out. It is a system that will make it easier for their search engines to identify what a site, or even a paragraph, is all about. So now that we know, the question to ask yourself is, how will Schema affect SEO?

A Different Kind of Code

One thing you need to know about Schema is that it isn’t something like Meta Tags. It’s much different from that. Schema codes are inserted into div tags and h1 tags and span tags. The way the Schema code is integrated is such that the whole HTML code will not be affected. Very nice.

Search is becoming more and more complex as humanity, technology, lifestyle and everything about our world becomes more complex. There are now more things and more categories than ever before. Schema is just a tool to help search engines know which page falls under which category. It is merely a helping hand for the big three search engines – Google, Yahoo and Bing. You can read all about their take on Schema here:

Google: Introducing Search engines come together for a richer web

Bing: Introducing Bing, Google and Yahoo Unite to Build the Web of Objects

Yahoo: Introducing A Collaboration on Structured Data

In Simple Terms

Schema is just a small piece of code added to your HTML that indicates to search engine what a certain page or paragraph is all about. There’s nothing magical about it. Google, Yahoo and Bing are using it to further enhance the artificial intelligence of their search engine.

The Schema code

<div itemscope itemtype => <h1 itemprop="about"> Why Schema Might be the Next BIG Ranking Factor</h1> <div itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> Author: <span itemprop="name">Sean Si</span> (born <span itemprop="birthDate">September 6, 1988)</span> </div> <span itemprop="genre">SEO</span> <span itemprop="keywords">Schema, SEO, Ranking Factor</a> </div>

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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