Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Measure your Twitter Influence | SEO in Simple Terms

TunkrankTwitter is one of the most used social networking sites around. Measuring your Twitter influence has now been one of the things to look out for especially now that we know that Google is taking Twitter’s social signals into account.

There is actually a website that now enables you to roughly measure your Twitter influence. The metric name is TunkRank – something like Google PageRank but it’s used for Twitter. Interesting.

If you’re the type who likes to get your hands dirty on analytics, you should check this out.

TunkRank has two basic ideas behind their influence metric (taken from Trunkrank.com/about)

1. The amount of attention you can give is spread out among all those you follow. The more you follow, the less attention you can give each one.

2. Your influence depends on the amount of attention your followers can give you.

Your TunkRank score is a reflection of how much attention your followers can both directly give you and how much attention they bring you from their network of followers.

It Ain’t Simple Math

Measuring your Twitter influence is tricky. TunkRank seems to have pulled it off albeit roughly.They’re still in the tweaking stage – especially since Twitter has kept updating their API lately.

TunkRank has a pretty simple way of telling you solidly how influential you are. They have a 1-100 metric, in which case, 100 is the highest (most influential) and 1 is the lowest (least influential). The rate of influence doubles with every 7 points such as how Google’s PageRank score exponentially increases for every 1 point increase.

What’s the algorithm behind TunkRank? Well it’s based on Daniel Tunkelang’s proposed Twitter influence algorithm (taken from The War on Attention Poverty: Measuring Twitter Authority)

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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