Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Secret Behind Death | God and you

We all know that we are going to die. That’s a fact. And yet people nowadays live like there is no dying. We desire success, we want to gain fame, power, pleasure, riches – the world. Just how do we live through the paradox of life? Which is right – to live like there’s no tomorrow? Or to enjoy and focus on today?

Death Apple“Nothing is so important to man as his own state, nothing is so formidable to him as eternity; and thus it is not natural that there should be men indifferent to the loss of their existence, and to the perils of everlasting suffering. They are quite different with regard to all other things. They are afraid of mere trifles; they foresee; them they feel them. And this same man who spends so many days and nights in rage and despair at the loss of an office, or for some imaginary insult to his honor, is the very one who knows without anxiety and without emotion that he will lose all by death. It is a monstrous thing to see in the same heart and at the same time this sensibility to trifles and this strange insensibility to the greatest objects. It is an incomprehensible enchantment.”- Pascal in his book (Pensées)

In Light of Eternity

Men are mortal. Eternity is impossible. It’s that simple. No one can live forever. In the face of the Earth, everyone who has lived has died (or has disappeared). For us, death is reality and eternity is a myth. So we work, we play, we love and we create. We study, we tell tales, we make friends and explore. We do everything we can to live this life as much as we want.

We desire success – a word which has been variously defined by various people. For some, success is fame, for some, it’s status, for some, it’s money, for some, it’s love, for some, it’s charity. Still for some, it’s living life in light of the promise of eternity. Different people, different meaning, different directions.

But we all know we are gonna die.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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