Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You are Worth $4.50 - Knowing your Value | God and you

It is interesting that if you break down an average human body, the chemical composition has a worth of about  four dollars and fifty cents in our world today. That includes everything – even your skin and bones.

Human dnaThis is what your body is when you break it down:

  • 65% Oxygen
  • 18% Carbon
  • 10% Hydrogen
  • 3% Nitrogen
  • 1.5% Calcium
  • 1% Phosphorous
  • 0.35% Potassium
  • 0.25% Sulfur
  • 0.15% Sodium
  • 0.15% Chlorine
  • 0.05% Magnesium
  • 0.0004% Iron
  • 0.00004% Iodine
  • A dinner in your nearest hotel costs more than you – chemically speaking.

    What makes us so valuable then?

    Why do we invest so much for our lives?

    Why is it that we think we are the most important thing in the existence of this world?

    Why is it that we live like we’re worth more than just $4.50?

    What value are we striving for if the world prices us as such?

    Is there any reason else for us to believe we are more than four dollars and fifty cents?

    Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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