Sunday, May 1, 2011

Laying down your cross | God and you

Carrying my crossYou and I have our own antagonistic viewpoint towards law and order – especially if we want to break a certain, specific rule. People who has lived ‘freely’ or ‘liberally’ have emotional and intellectual walls set-up against religion and the Bible – yes, even Christians. We feel like the burden of Christianity and God’s Word is too heavy to bear.

Every Christian has one

We all have crosses to carry – to each his own. There are heavier crosses and lighter ones – it depends on your relationship with God. But everyone feels the burden of carrying his/her own cross in living out the Christian life. The cross that Christ carried, they say, weighs about 75 kg. Sometimes we feel like our cross is too heavy to bear so we lay it down and leave it behind for a while. We wander about and get some quick fixes here and there to make us happy.We feel like we deserve a break.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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