Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Know God's Word by heart | God and you

Holy BibleHis disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” – John 2:17

Remember when you were in your grade school years being taught the fundamental mathematical operations? If you’re the studious type, you actually found it fun being taught the basics of Mathematics. If I ask you right now what 1 + 1 is, you’d be able to answer in a heartbeat. When you ask for the bill and check if it’s correct, you’d be able to spot an error in the computation.

Author’s Note: This is part of the “back to basics” reflection I’ve been doing in the book of John.

There are times that my siblings and I would have geek talks at home. Two of my siblings are engineers; one metallurgical and the other chemical. I remember my younger brother once telling us, “Show me a rock and I will tell you its copper content.” On a separate occasion my sister told me while doing the grocery, “This brand of soy sauce is expensive because its fermentation process is more natural than the others.” (Yes, we have conversations like that at home. Geeky, I know.)

I found the same behavior in Jesus’ disciples when they saw Him clear the temple – overturning tables, filled with zeal to restore respect for His Father’s place. They remembered what was written in the scripture. In this case, they remembered Psalm 69:9. They were able to see the Word. They were able to see it because they were at the very least acquainted with the scripture. I’d like to believe that they didn’t only study the scripture, they meditated on it. Probably, unlike the Pharisees, Jesus’ disciples must’ve taken to heart Psalm 1:2:

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

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