Monday, May 2, 2011

Understanding Keyword Prominence, Frequence, Proximity | SEO in Simple Terms

SEO Keyword OptimizationNow that we’ve discussed keyword density, it’s time you know the other factors when it comes to keywords in your on-site optimization. Understanding keyword prominence, frequency and proximity can help you leverage the power and placing of your keywords in your website.

Keywords are what makes your site tick. It is the bread and butter that your readers are going to bite and chew. Knowing where to place them, how to use them and how often to insert them in a sentence is important.

Attention please

Keyword Prominence deals with how eye-catching your keywords are within a web page. The important keywords should be the most prominent in your webpage. For example, you can see that the title of this article is Understanding Keyword Prominence, Frequency and Proximity – that’s because those are my desired keywords for this article.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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