Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Local Movie Reviews | God and you

Local Movie Review LogoJust want to give you a heads-up. All my movie reviews will now be held on Local Movie Reviews. This is because the website is specifically focused on reviewing all movies – past, current and advanced screenings. The blogger behind Local Movie Review is my good friend and brother in Christ, Austin Takahashi. He’s a superb author. I’m sure you’ll enjoy his reviews like no other.

To give you a little insight about Local Movie Review:

Austin TakahashiLocal Movie Review started on May of 2010 when Austin was writing movie reviews for another company. He let me read some of his works and I was very impressed with his work. He writes really well – I love potential. I offered him a blogsite for free just to help him up. I was so excited for Austin to be known as an authority in critiquing movies in the web. And perhaps someday soon he will be a patron of the local movie industry.

The reason we chose the name ‘Local Movie Review’ is because it has a good search volume in the search engines and he is a local guy who loves to review movies. Happy isn’t it?

Writing Style

Austin writes his reviews on a different background – a personal background. He says what he likes with a no-holds-barred attitude. There have even been times where people were offended by what he has to say. But that’s what he is – a movie critic. I personally like it.

Austin writes his movie reviews with spunk and honesty. Movie reviews have never been written the same way as he writes it. It is entertaining, engaging, rich and honest. I wouldn’t say that all his reviews would reflect on the exact way of how you liked/disliked the movie. All I’m saying is that his perspective of the movie is something you might find value in. But even if it isn’t, just reading his reviews could already hook you into watching.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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