Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Contest Campaign Linkbuilding


Contest are one of the most powerful and effective ways to attract people. That’s a simple fact. Who wouldn’t want a free iPad or iPhone? Knowing that, just how do you efficiently use it to attract links to your site?

Get a FREE iPad 2!

Doesn’t those few words ignite some sort of raw excitement in you? Those few words (which we call a ‘copy’) are meant to grab your attention – to what?

To participate.

‘Giveaways’ are never free. They are given in exchange for your participation. They first tell you what’s at stake, and then they’ll tell you what they want you to do. It’s a trade-off. The question is, how successful are you in getting a high participation rate?

There are three factors:

  • How enticing is the prize?
  • How difficult is it to join?
  • When is the contest’s deadline?

Being mindful of these three factors is the determinant between a good contest and a great one. A good contest usually has a few participants and don’t go beyond the first circle of people who joins. A great contest goes beyond that and takes on a viral channel – creating buzz.

The beauty behind a contest campaign linkbuilding technique is that there is a better chance of attaining some sort of virality from your participants. If you can sell the contest to the participants, chances are, they would try to sell it to some degree to their circle of influence.

Take-outs from Contest campaign linkbuilding

There’s more than just one reason to do contest campaigning than just building links. Along the process you also:

  • Create brand awareness
  • Create brand loyalty to the contestants
  • Gather a database of people who might be interested to participate in your future contests

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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