Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Link Placements

Link Placements

Where you place your link in your website is one of the most overlooked linkbuilding techniques of SEO specialists today. The importance of where your link exists in a page is critical. So what do you need to know about link placements?

Usual parts of a webpage

  • Upper Body Content
  • Lower Body Content
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Sidebar

Anatomy of A Webpage

There will always be dispute about whether a site-wide link in a sidebar is better than just a single link from the content. In my personal opinion, having a site-wide link is good IF there are many pages from the linking site to you. But if there are few pages and there are lots of other outbound links in that specific sidebar, forget it.

The genius behind link placements

Google knows that people will put links in their sidebar or that attribution links exists in the footer – such as WordPress links. Naturally, the devalue these links because they might not give any real value or reference to the website that they are pointing to.

Having links inside the body of the content is usually the link with importance and which gives reference to the website it points to. No webmaster just puts in links inside the body of the content without any relevance to the link they are pointing to. It makes the article ugly and it will disappoint the reader.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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