Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How do you know if you're the Best guy in Pursuing your Girl

How do you know if you’re the best guy for her? Would you feel it? Would you hear it? A whisper perhaps? And once you know it, what do you do? Are you going to wait for more clues?

Man silhouette in the beachI posted a short Facebook status saying “If you know you’re the best for her, go for it. You’re not going to make her lose her best man, are you?” – this was sparked by the lyrics of the song ‘Endlessly’ by The Cab as my brother introduced me to it. Funny how life brings back memories in various ways.

It’s been a long while since I posted something about relationships and romance. I guess this is quite a refresher for all of us.

How do you know if you’re the best?

You don’t. There is no blueprint when it comes to relationships. God does not give you a map and leave you to find where the X is. The reason behind that? I dunno. My assumption is that God wants to make it more exciting – and more dependent on Him. The more you seek God’s Will in the aspect of your love life, the more He will reveal it to you.

The only way to really know your love story, is to seek the One who is writing it and ask Him to tell it to you. Our God is the greatest storyteller.

A Simple story

I’ll let you in on a story. There was this guy who prayed for this girl he really liked. One night, he prayed hard. No, he didn’t sweat blood while he was praying. But he prayed hard.

He said “God, if this girl is NOT the one you want me to marry and spend the rest of my life with, please take the relationship away. Cut off everything – even the friendship. Because I don’t wanna waste my time, money, effort, etc… for nothing. But God, if she is the one you want for me, then I pray give me a sign.”

And the sign he asked from God is a dream – that he would dream of her and she would dream of him.

That night, they both dreamt – of each other. And then he thought “This is it.”

A few months after, this guy got busted. WHAT???

There is no blueprint.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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