Monday, August 1, 2011

Why do you need a Facebook App? Facebook app vs Facebook page

Facebook app

Why do you need a Facebook App? Why not just let your Facebook page do all the work for you? You can run contests in your Facebook page too can you not?

The Old Way

SEO Hacker Facebook Page Before when you wanted to run a contest, you have the freedom to easily administer it in your Facebook page – let’s take a photo contest for example.

Usually, you just need to announce in your Facebook wall that you’re going to run a contest and post the mechanics in your Facebook page Notes section for all to read. Then as you start the contest, you make it a Voting contest – the photo with the most Facebook ‘Likes’ win.

The good thing: you can get ‘n’ number of likes using this method.

Easy, simple, and most of all it’s free because you don’t need to hire a developer nor a designer. But that’s not the case now.

Having your own Facebook app is almost a necessity right now if you want to run Facebook contests and accumulate more page ‘Likes’. The reason behind it is that you cannot run contests in Facebook anymore without a Facebook app as seen in the Facebook Promotions Guidelines below (taken from Facebook Promotions Guidelines):

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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