Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where should you live? Condo or House?

I was talking with my dad about where it would be better to live in – a house or a condo? You see, I’ve been pondering this question in my mind for a while.

Condo VS HouseA condo has its own advantages – an installed security system, easier to maintain space, nearby places to buy necessities, free to use utilities, a ‘good’  view, and the list could go on.

While a house also has its own good sets of things to think about – your own garden, parking space, privacy and perhaps serenity from noisy neighbors (in a Condo’s case, neighbors can literally mean next-door tenants), bigger space to live in, and so on.

But the main things that I’ve been thinking about is my assurance of safety from natural disaster namely: Earthquakes.

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