Thursday, July 7, 2011

Linkbuilding Techniques | SEO in Simple Terms

Linkbuilding Techniques

Lately I have been in the task of compiling link building techniques to share with all the readers of SEO Hacker. It’s not really ‘magic’ but it’s something you can do as a unique task against your competition.

We’ll be going through these link building techniques in the next few weeks here in SEO Hacker:

  • Link Searching
  • Link Baiting
  • Competition Backlink Trolling
  • Contest Campaign
  • Link Placements
  • Content Shifting
  • Web 2.0 Linkbuilding

We all know how important link building is in the world of SEO. It’s a big rave to get a link – especially if it’s one way and it’s from a reputable site.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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