Friday, July 8, 2011

Facebook vs Google Plus Project

Google Plus +

It’s pretty obvious that Google + is a threat to Facebook’s ever-growing base of users. The reason behind it is that Google + seems to be pretty much a Google version of a Facebook upgrade.

Well Facebook ain’t letting Google get their way that easy. What does Facebook have that Google doesn’t?


Data of your established Facebook friends, contact numbers, email addresses, etcetera. For Facebook and Google who already have established systems and working business models, data means users – and users means money.

Right now Google ‘owns’ most of the web. They’re the biggest player. And being the biggest player, you want a piece of everyone else’s pie. We all know that Google tried to go social more than once or twice. And failed.

The thing I love about Google is that they are not afraid to fail – even fail big. They still try to win. And this time, it certainly looks like Google is going to make it.

Now that the Google + Project is out for a limited amount of users, it has alarmed Facebook that Google might just eat up some of their share of the social network market. So what did they do?

They blocked the data

Facebook emailThere used to be an extension in Google Chrome named ‘Facebook Friend Exporter” that you can use to export your Facebook contact details – Name, Email Address, Phone number, etc…

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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