Friday, July 22, 2011

How does Google Plus Affect SEO?

Google plus

As we all well know, Google Plus has now been launched albeit in testing phase. Even so, the search giant has now taken up arms against the social network threat which is Facebook. Now that social signals are a powerful means to enhance your SEO campaigns, the question is, how can Google Plus affect SEO?


We know all too well how Facebook affects search rankings with Facebook shares and Likes integrated into almost every website you land on. Furthermore, Twitter tweets from authoritative Twitter accounts are also measured in a way that is integrated into the search engine ranking factors of Google (and perhaps other search engines too).

Google plus is still pretty new but the way I see it, Google will really try to integrate the social signals they can extract from Google plus into their search engine rankings. Here are some of the reasons why:

It’s easier to measure social signals from Google Plus because they own it.

It’s easier to tweak stuff in Google Plus in order for them to get better social signals to integrate into their ranking factors.

People would be driven to use Google Plus due to the fact that it will have more bearing in search engine social signals factor.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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