Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don’t be a Link Stalker, Do Competitor Research and Backlinks Acquisition the Right Way

Backlink Trolling

Do you know what a link stalker is? A link stalker is a person that goes through your links all the time and ruins them for you. You comment somewhere, a nice meaningful comment and a few days, weeks or months later you see a certain someone’s comment there, great post and stuff. You create a nice business profile page, soon the link stalker has the same profile, you make a donation and have your banner featured on the page, soon you see the link stalkers banner there as well.

We all do competitor research and try to get quality links our competitors have, but stalking someone’s backlinks all the time for a longer period is just pathetic, but most of us have to deal with those link stalkers, so how do we make sure they cannot copy us and how we should do competitor research and backlink acquisition?

The first part is simple in theory, all we need is a backlink profile that is hard to replicate. We can achieve that through real relationships, partnerships and offline connections as well as real online relationships. These can be turned into some links that are specific to your company and your brand, links you can only have as you are partnered with a certain supplier, your competitors can’t just copy that. So these are the link we need to pay attention to if we want to make sure the link stalker won’t be able to follow us. So the basic thing about link building you should have realized by now is that quality links are born from real long lasting relationships, and not comments, paid links or general directories.

That’s it for the frustrations of link building and theory, let’s talk about some practical advice that will help you scan your competitors the right way and get some nice quality links that most link stalkers will stay away from. Why will they stay away from them? Well, the truth is, and this is something most professional SEOs know, that the competition is mostly lazy, so if they can’t get a link in 10 minutes or pay for it they will give up, most of them anyway. And the key to competitor research is getting the good links, and not just copying the easy ones.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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