Friday, August 12, 2011

The 3 Types of Anger: Which One are You? | God and you

Today, we live in a world full of expectations and demands. Our parents, teachers, boss, friends, colleagues and even strangers expect something from us; said or unsaid. Many times we meet them but inevitably sometimes we fail (or the other way around). And what happens when we do? Our emotions heighten. These could be sadness, shame, guilt, disappointment, anger, frustration.

Whatever it is, what you most probably will feel are negative emotions. Question is, how do you handle them? Are you proud of it? Could your loved ones testify that you handle your emotions well?

 Angry personThis article is inspired by reading, “Overcoming Emotions that Could Destroy” by Chip Ingram and Dr. Becca Johnson. This book has given me a lot of insight about handling my personal emotions that I believe can help you in handling yours.

Based from the book, there are 3 kinds of angry people: the Spewers, the Stuffers and the Leakers. But before we talk about each of these, let me share some of the tips that I found useful to avoid anger.

First and foremost

You have to know what others expect of you. It has to be clearly stated. And you have to ask yourself, “Is this in line with reality? Can I do this?” If yes, then go, be excellent and happy. If not, then there are 2 options: Either you quit or you try harder. But it is important that you remember the choice you made and that you stand by it because this will be tested when the going gets tough.

In the same manner, you have to make it clear what you expect of others. Don’t assume that it’s common sense. Don’t expect that the person should already know because chances are he or she is being consumed with fear or panic and could not read your mind especially when you’re already irritated.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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