Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Myth of Heaven - Why it sounds so Boring and why it Isn't

We have always wondered what heaven would be like. Will heaven be boring? Would it be just a series of praise and worship? Would it be an eternity of singing and harps and trumpets? Let’s face it, the heaven we picture in our minds seems a lot boring than what we have here on earth.

Boring HeavenThere were times when I would wonder what heaven is like. And from what I hear and from what I watch, it pretty much seems boring and uneventful. Yes people tell me that we can ask God anything we want (which would seem like it would take an eternity to accomplish), people also tell me that heaven would be a happy and joyful place (but how happy is happy? And how happy would it be when it seems so boring?), people also tell me that it would be wonderful and different. Still, life here on earth seems pretty much more exciting, wouldn’t you think so?

This entry is inspired by the book ‘The Journey of Desire’ by John Eldredge. Most of the words that I have used in this entry has been derived from his own words in his book – this is because I cannot describe heaven better than how he wonderfully he paints it.

When we think of heaven, we can’t even begin to imagine how it would be like. And if we try, it would seem bleak and boring. Churches don’t really describe heaven in much detail so we try to use our imagination. Unfortunately, our imagination is as tainted as our world – and we take our ideas from the media.

“I think the fear of being bored is an unspoken fear of many people about the life that is coming. After-all, the never-ending singalong in the sky isn’t exactly breathtaking.” - John Eldredge

Our Misery

“During a long layover at O’Hare, I studied the man who sells popcorn from a little stand in one of the terminal hallways. He sat silently on a stool as thousands of people rushed by. Occasionally, every fifteen minutes or so, someone would stop and buy a bag. He would scoop the popcorn from the bin, take the money and make change – all without a word being spoken between them. When the brief encounter was over, he would resume his place on the stool, staring blankly, his shoulders hunched over. I wondered at his age; he seemed well past fifty. How long had that been his profession? Could he possibly make a living at it? His face wore a weary expression of resignation winged with shame. Adam, I thought, what happened?” - John Eldredge

All our miseries prove our greatness: “They are the miseries of a dethroned monarch.” - Pascal

In our world today, only a very few people are blessed enough to make a living doing what they love. We yearn to do something of meaning and value that flows naturally out of the gifts and capacities of our souls. We were meant to be the kings and queens of the earth.

Alas, we have come a long way from the Fall.

The Kingdom of God

We usually hear of the Kingdom of God and that it is near. What does it mean?

It simply means the restoration of things to that which God said “It is good.” It means that things will be as they were meant to be – by the Creator, Designer and Maker of this universe. It means that this world will be healed.

“The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the LORD.” - Isaiah 65:24

Pollution will be gone, global warming will be a thing of the past, and the race of man will once again be put back in their rightful place as kings and queens – rulers of the earth. Sons and daughters of the King of the universe.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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