Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4 Ways on How to Deal With Stress | God and you

Are you being pushed in means and ways beyond your limits? Is getting by with life harder and harder each day? Are you simply tired?

You most probably are and have been at some point that’s why this topic appealed to you. Let me first encourage you that even Jesus experienced stress. And even if looking around, others seem to just be having the time of their life, living la vida loca and dancing in the moonlight; in this human race, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

stressedThis entry was inspired by Jesus being crowded upon people lost, wanting to be healed or released from evil spirits as they hear Him passing by. Jesus and his disciples continued their ministry/work even to the point of missing meals.

Allow me to share with you 4 ways God impressed upon my heart as ways on how to approach stress:

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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