Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Land a Guest Post at Problogger | SEO Marketing | SEO School | Learn SEO Online

I’ve been writing posts for the last three or so years (has it really been that long?!?). My writing frequency, I have to admit, is quite erratic. When I started, I used to write at least three posts in a week. Now, given a lot of other commitments, I barely have the time to sit down and finish a post within a week. Though I still try, believe me.

Anyway, you might ask, how long does it take for me to finish one post? It depends on the topic of course. The minimum time (the fastest I can) for me to whip up one post is around an hour or so. Those are for posts that which I generally know the lesson by heart and all I have to do is to let my fingers to the keyboard work. But, truth be told, there are some special cases- cases wherein, yes, it takes me 10 hours (or longer!) to create just one single post.

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