Monday, February 7, 2011

Five Business Lessons From Fiverr | SEO Marketing | SEO School | Learn SEO Online

If you still haven’t heard of it, Fiverr (on is actually a virtual marketplace of services and goods where anyone can make or take jobs for the price of just $5. The idea (the business more of) became an instant hit the moment it launched. Hoards of people wanting to get things done for a measly price of just 5 bucks flooded the site. And because there’s too many people willing to pour out cash, so did those who are actually willing to do those jobs for a quick cash.

First Reaction…

My first reaction when I heard the transaction cost of just $5 was….. [expletive here]… you gotta be kidding me. Isn’t that exploitation? Isn’t that unfair? This is very, very bad for industry competition. But the more I looked into it (and tried the system myself) the more I thought highly of Fiverr and started to see the light in their innovative idea.

Actually, I joined Fiverr because I needed a place to get started with collecting testimonials for a freelance business that I just launched (see my bio). I figured that while I was doing it, might as well earn a few. The low fixed price didn’t matter because I wasn’t really after the earnings. I was just after the testimonials. So the first thing I did was to post a job that I was willing to do (which was logo design) for $5. Then I’ll just wait IF there will be orders, do them and collect the testimonials (and the money which was just icing on the cake).

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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