Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Your Heart In Good Soil? | God and you

Heart on SoilMany perhaps of you, unlike me, have read this Parable from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 13: 1-23, Mark 4: 1-34, Luke8: 48) before. You’ve also probably attended a Bible Study class about it as well. You may also be aware that in Luke’s account, Jesus was specifically asked to explain this parable compared to the others (v9). (Personally, I would like to believe this to be an important daily learning, not to mention a task to be taken notice of by the apostles.)

But apart from learning this Parable in the context of the Gospel, how do you understand it? More importantly, are you applying it? How about in the face of problems and trials?

If however you have not read about this Parable, I encourage you to do so that you may share with my personal insights and learnings.

  1. The Hardened Soil. When you’re suddenly interrupted by your classmate, office mate or friend while rushing for a deadline, you so desperately want to get over and done with, do you relate with him/her with grace? Could this person see Jesus from you in this brief, one-on-one encounter? Or did you just blow up a probable one-in-a-million chance of exhibiting a reflection of your Lord and Savior?
  2. The Rocky Soil. How about in those occasions when you’re asked by your parent/s to run an errand, a chore you totally don’t feel like doing, but did so otherwise? Are you willing to do so again when asked so now? How about that demanding, irritating, unappreciative colleague or classmate who asked a favor, needed your help; did you do so from the heart or only because you think (hoped) he or she will treat you better after this?
  3. The Thorny Soil. Remember that day when you worked so hard to the point of skipping meals, saying ‘no’ to your favorite concert, ‘no’ to the long awaited get-together with friends for a noble cause (i.e. family gathering, a Bible Study). Only to find out your efforts were in vain… the kiss-ass employee got the promotion. You were still not allowed to go with your barkada to the long planned beach outing. You were still unappreciated…

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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