Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be the Difference | God and you

In our time today, mediocrity, consistency and loyalty are respected. Faithfulness compared to fruitfulness is more recognized. Perhaps this is why many students feel not the need to excel. And no wonder many of our citizens stick it out in their jobs without the need to have a sense of fulfillment. Thus, the world knows ‘loyalty’ than prestige.


That little difference can give God glory

God said in His Word, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made”. Do you believe this? Have you ever thought this verse through?

Do you know that He knows your every gift, each talent and your every skill? Did you know that He was the one who placed that desire in your heart? He made you…wholly and completely. But are you giving Him back the honor and praise for His blessings?

God has given each of us a mission to live. In which case, He uses our gifts and talents for Himself, to glorify Him. All of us recognize skill and niche for something that many of our peers, classmates or workmates don’t even take interest on. I bet even once in your life you’ve also asked yourself why you were good at it, right? So my next question for you now is, why aren’t you stretching yourself?

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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