Monday, January 24, 2011

Why was the First Man created Alone? | God and you

ParadiseHave you ever wondered why God created Adam before Eve? Let me speak first with the ladies. In some cases that we get to have men open our door, hear them say, “Ladies first” or “After you”… soon thereafter a smile marks our faces, and we’ll be happy to have met one of the few gentlemen left in the planet. But when our God created the universe, the human race, He first made Adam. As I pondered and talked with God, here are some of the reasons:

Men Are Designed To Lead.

Kindly note, designed, it’s not a matter of want. Guys, you’re made for leadership. God wanted you first to know the ins and outs, the structural framework and then you delegate. He knows that you hunger for the adventure, to seek the unknown for yourself and by yourself. And guess what, He specifically designed you to enjoy it.

Yes, two minds indeed are better than one. However, order first has to be established and our systematic God placed men in that authority. And as we all know, leadership comes with great responsibility.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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