Saturday, January 22, 2011

PageRank Sculpting | SEO Hacker

Page Rank Sculpting is dead

Ever heard of the term PageRank Sculpting? Some say it’s the craze of on-site SEO until Matt Cutts came out with the news of its apparent death. So what’s the truth about PageRank sculpting? Or sometimes known as Link sculpting? Can you still use it?

PageRank Sculpting is about trying to manipulate your page rank flow in your website through controlling your link juice flow. There are 2 types of links that you need to know: dofollow and nofollow. You sculpt page rank structure by using the nofollow attribute.

For example, you have a webpage with 5 outgoing links. You want all the Page Rank juice to flow to two of those links, so you put the nofollow attribute on the other three. During the earlier years, this could work. Now, it’s leaning more towards a negative implication than a positive one. Why?

Because this technique was abused.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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