Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Sex drive won't wait for you | God and you

Your Sex Drive won’t wait for you

Our bodies are opened up to desire sex as we reach the age of, more or less thirteen.This is because God designed us to manhood as we reached puberty. And as Christians in a world of rampant pornography and lust, suddenly we realize we need help.

KidultThis entry has been inspired by the book Every Young Man’s Battle by Fred Stoeker and Stephen Arterburn

These days young men and women are treated as kids

Even when our bodies are already ready for sex because we are designed to be sexual beings, you can always hear other people saying “you’re not ready to get married” or “enjoy your life first, you’re young” or “you still need to be financially stable”. Those people may be right in telling you that, but your body is certainly ready to have sex.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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