Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Most Love Stories are Missing

Sometimes you meet someone, a great person. You’d like to know her more. You get the tingles – and for a while you zoom off having the romance you’ve always dreamed off. Why is it then, that after a time too soon, you find yourself crushed and heartbroken? What went wrong? Or maybe you’re asking “What was missing?”

Heart Kite picThis entry was inspired by Joshua Harris’ book “Boy meets Girl” Yes I know I’m really late in my Joshua Harris readings but it seems as if God has put this book in perfect timing for me – and perhaps for you too!

The Kite and String

Try to think of romance as a kite. It’s a kite that catches the wind and tenaciously heads for the sky. Often that kite thinks to itself “If this bothersome string would just let go of me, I could really fly high.” But we all know that isn’t true, is it? Without the string holding it in the face of the wind, the kite would quickly come crashing to the ground.

That string is wisdom. That string is also what most romantic love stories are missing because of the tenacious emotions that come zooming of when we’re “in love”.

Wisdom is the string that tugs downward, holding romance back so that it can keep on flying gracefully as it was designed by its Creator to do. There is a real tension between the string and kite. That tension also keeps the kite protected from crashing itself down. It is a healthy tension.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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