Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Stop Temptation When It Starts

“I’m only human, made of flesh and blood, a mere man…”

One way or the other, you’ve probably heard this song; on the radio, on your ipod, someone singing along… In one circumstance or the other, you may have also uttered this phrase in one of the trying times of life. “I can’t do it, I’m only human!”

TemptingThis article is inspired by the book ‘Winning the War Within’ by Charles Stanley.

He quoted in his book a passage that struck me: “Opportunity only knocks once, temptation leans on the doorbell.”

Wouldn’t you agree?

Think of just one temptation that you’re really having a hard time resisting: the latest Iphone, that so-worth-it dress, Facebook! Have you ever felt it calling you? Yes? That there seems to be a voice inside your head that says, ‘Well, I can afford it, not that I need it badly, but I want it!’, or ‘What’s so wrong about spending a few hours on Facebook?, or these are just minor issues, why bother, correct? Then this article is just for you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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