Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lean and Fab Side Effects | Lean and Fab

Does Lean and Fab have side effects? Have people ever claimed that they got sick with Lean and Fab? Well you can say Lean and Fab has its set of side effects – let’s take a look at some:

Side EffectsLean and Fab can make you lazy

It’s no wonder that Lean and Fab can make someone lazy. Lazy to go swimming, to go to the gym, to play basketball and to do exercise. This is because Lean and Fab can make you lose weight without having to do the rigid and tiring routine of exercise. It can both be a good thing if you are already lazy in the first place. But it can be a bad thing if you are someone who loves to go exercise and is discouraged to do so because of the amazing effects of Lean and Fab.

Lean and Fab can make you lose too much weight

Of course, popping the prescribed amount of Lean and Fab pills in your mouth 30 minutes before every meal will make you thinner and lose weight. If you have a target weight, Lean and Fab can exceed that. Not everyone wants to be thin – some people wants a little meat here and there. If you’re one of those people and you’re not careful as to how much weight you’re already losing with Lean and Fab, you better watch out and be mindful RIGHT NOW!

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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